RPA Testing 101 – Process, Benefits & More

Sahar Butt

March 14, 2023

RPA Testing 101 – Process, Benefits & More

As organizations move from traditional and manual processes towards automation in their processes and tasks, robotic process automation (RPA) testing stands as one of the most promising approaches to test automation. Robotic process automation (RPA) is the use of software to automate human tasks.

What is RPA testing in software testing, and how can software testing organizations benefit from it? We are going to discuss all these points along with the following:

  • RPA testing definition
  • Processes and phases of RPA testing
  • Best practices in RPA Testing
  • Benefits of RPA Testing
  • Challenges of RPA Testing
  • Best RPA testing tools
  • Myths surrounding RPA testing

What is RPA in Software Testing?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology that automates repetitive tasks. That said, it is not a replacement for manual testing; instead, it can be used to automate the testing existing applications.

An efficient way to reduce costs and increase productivity, RPA testing involves automating tests that are run against your existing applications, meaning you can eliminate repetitive testing and focus on other aspects of your business. 

What are the three phases of RPA testing?

There are three phases in the RPA lifecycle: Pre-test, test, and post-test. These are explained as follows:

  1. The Pre-Test Phase

The pre-test phase is where you will create your project plan and determine the most appropriate approach for your organization. After this step, it’s time to begin planning out your tests. 

  1. The Test Phase

The test phase involves executing those plans to verify that they work as intended by following best practices and industry standards. 

  1. The Post-Test Phase

Finally, there’s post-testing, where an auditor or reviewer will review your work in detail so that you can be sure it was done right before moving on with another project or commissioning services from other vendors.

How to use RPA testing for test automation?

While RPA is helpful for test automation, it is not just another tool you can add to your toolbox. Instead, RPA is a unique software platform that empowers businesses to automate their processes using robots instead of people.

When applied correctly, this approach will help companies achieve significant time savings and cost reductions while maintaining high-quality standards across all stages of the product lifecycle: design through development and release into production, all the way down through testing (regression).

Understanding the RPA process

The processes involved in RPA testing include

  1. Planning: 

As a first step, the planning process involves defining the objectives, scope, and requirements of the RPA testing. This step also focuses on identifying the test scenarios, test cases, and test data that will be used to test the RPA system.

  1. Test design: 

This process involves designing the test cases and test scenarios that will be used to test the RPA system. The test design process should cover all possible use cases and ensure that the RPA system meets the functional requirements of the business process it is automating.

  1. Test execution: 

Executing test cases and scenarios to verify that the RPA system works as intended. Test execution includes running the software robot in different environments, testing the robot’s ability to handle exceptions, and verifying that the robot is producing the expected outputs.

  1. Defect management: 

In defect management, the testers identify, track, and manage defects and issues discovered during testing. This process also includes recording defects in a defect tracking tool, assigning priorities and severities to defects, and working with the development team to resolve the subsequent defects.

  1. Reporting: 

Generating reports and metrics that provide insights into the effectiveness of the RPA testing is the last step of the overall RPA testing process. Reporting includes documenting the testing results, identifying improvement areas, and communicating the results to stakeholders.

Creating an RPA Testing Framework

An RPA testing framework is a set of guidelines, processes, and tools that provide a structured approach to testing RPA systems. Organizations aware of the best test automation practices make sure to create and implement frameworks for the following reasons.

  1. Consistency and repeatability: ensures that tests are consistent and repeatable across different projects, environments, and teams. This reduces the risk of errors and inconsistencies and ensures that the RPA system is tested thoroughly and accurately.
  2. Scalability: can be scaled to handle testing for large, complex RPA systems, reducing the risk of errors and improving the efficiency of the testing process.
  3. Standardization: provides a standardized approach to testing RPA systems, which helps to ensure that tests are consistent, reliable, and effective.
  4. Faster time-to-market: helps to reduce the time required for testing, which can lead to faster deployment of the RPA system and faster realization of the benefits of automation.
  5. Improved quality: helps to identify and address defects early in the development process, leading to improved quality and fewer defects in the production environment.
  6. Cost savings: can help reduce testing costs by improving efficiency, reducing errors, and enabling earlier identification and resolution of defects.

Using RPA Test Cases for Utmost Efficiency

RPA test cases are a set of predefined scenarios used to verify the functionality, reliability, and efficiency of an RPA system. They help ensure the RPA system works as intended and meets the business requirements. To create compelling RPA test cases, you should start by identifying the essential functions and processes that the robot performs. You should also consider the different types of data and inputs the robot will encounter and any exceptions and errors it may encounter.

Here are some examples of RPA test cases:

Log in and Authentication Test Case: 

Verifies the ability of the RPA system to log in to the required system and authenticate the user. It checks whether the robot correctly enters the user’s credentials, logs in to the system, and verifies that the user is authorized to access the system.

Data Input Test Case: 

Verifies if the RPA system is inputting data correctly into the required system. It checks whether the robot correctly identifies the fields where data needs to be entered correctly, accurately, and consistently.

Exception Handling Test Case: 

Verifies the ability of the RPA system to handle exceptions and errors. It checks whether the robot can identify errors, handle them, and report them correctly.

Output Validation Test Case: 

Verifies the accuracy and completeness of the output produced by the RPA system. It checks whether the robot is producing the expected output and whether the output meets the business requirements.

Integration Test Case: 

Verifies the integration of the RPA system with other systems in the business process. It checks whether the robot transfers data between systems, interacts with other systems correctly, and produces the expected output.

Best practices for RPA testing

To ensure that you get the most out of RPA testing, implement the following best practices. 

  1. Break down the processes before you begin your testing journey to perfect each stage of the procedures. 
  2. Check if the data is usable, as unstructured or wrongly formatted data can lead to accurate results.
  3. Test and examine the scripts before execution so that every step is noticed and completed.
  4. Consider the business impact before opting for robotic automation. You may not necessarily need RPA testing and could do well with other types of automation.
  5. Define your key performance indicators (KPIs), the desired ROI, and whether RPA testing can help you achieve that.
  6. Make sure to combine unattended and attended RPA together.
  7. Instead of automating smaller tasks, look for larger groups and processes, which can bring more significant impacts out of automation.
  8. Create policies to ensure compliance and governance. 
  9. Test the execution of all steps to see if the workflow is yielding results. 
  10. Troubleshoot errors wherever the bot fails to deliver through software performance testing

Benefits of RPA Testing

Implementing RPA testing in your organization can reap tons of benefits, such as the ones listed below.

Increased Efficiency

RPA testing can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, freeing up employees to focus on higher-value activities. This can result in increased efficiency and productivity.

Improved Accuracy

RPA bots can perform tasks with high accuracy and consistency, reducing the risk of human errors.

Cost Savings

RPA testing can reduce labor costs and improve process efficiency, resulting in significant cost savings for organizations.


RPA bots can be easily scaled up or down to handle changes in workload, allowing organizations to be more agile and responsive.

Improved Compliance

RPA bots can be programmed to follow strict rules and procedures, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and reducing the risk of non-compliance.

Faster Processing

RPA bots can process tasks much faster than humans, resulting in faster turnaround times and improved customer satisfaction.

RPA Testing Challenges and Disadvantages

RPA testing can bring many benefits, but there are also some challenges and disadvantages to consider. Here are a few:

Complex Scenarios

RPA testing can be challenging when dealing with complex scenarios, especially when the processes involve multiple systems and data sources.

Dependency on UI

RPA bots are typically designed to mimic human interaction with the user interface, which can make them susceptible to changes in the interface or errors in the UI elements.


Like any software, RPA bots require maintenance and updates, which can be time-consuming and costly.

Non-Standard Applications

RPA testing can be challenging when dealing with non-standard applications that do not have an API or web services interface.


RPA bots can pose security risks, especially if they are not correctly configured or if they are given access to sensitive data. While RPA bots themselves cannot cause cross-site request forgery or cross-site scripting attacks, if they are entering sensitive data into web applications, they can potentially trigger such vulnerabilities.


RPA bots may not always perform as expected, especially when dealing with unexpected inputs or errors.

Difference between RPA Testing and Test Automation

AspectTest AutomationRPA Testing
ScopeFocused on software testing processesFocused on automating business processes across multiple applications and systems
Input DataRequires scripted input dataCan operate on unstructured data, such as images and PDFs
DevelopmentTypically developed by specialized testing teamsCan be developed by business analysts or process owners with minimal technical expertise
Test EnvironmentRequires a dedicated testing environment with controlled data and applicationsCan operate in live production environments
IntegrationFocuses on integration between applications and systems in the context of software testingInvolves the integration of multiple applications and systems for end-to-end business processes
MaintenanceScripts require maintenance and updates as the software changesBots are designed to be more adaptable to change and can require less maintenance

RPA Testing Tools – Top Picks & How to Select

Before selecting the tool for your processes, make sure that the RPA testing offers:

  1. Compatibility with the RPA platform being used. Ensure that the tool supports the specific features and capabilities of the RPA platform and can work seamlessly with it.
  2. Ease of use; should be user-friendly and easy to learn and use. It should have a user-friendly interface and support both manual and automated testing.
  3. Integration with other testing tools and systems, such as test management and defect tracking tools.
  4. Scalability to handle testing for large, complex RPA systems. It should be able to handle multiple test cases and tests running simultaneously, hence supporting parallel testing
  5. Flexibility; the RA testing tool should be flexible to allow for customization and support for a wide range of applications and platforms.
  6. Reporting and analytics to provide comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities to enable a practical analysis of test results and identification of issues.
  7. Support and community, including user groups, online forums, and vendor support. Ensure the vendor provides adequate support, training, and documentation to help users use the tool effectively.
  8. Cost-effectiveness and provides value for money. Ensure the tool’s cost aligns with the organization’s budget and requirements.

List of the Top RPA Testing Tools in 2023

Our top picks for the best RPA testing tools in 2023 include Automation Anywhere, UIPath, WorkFusion, and Blueprism. Their features, pros, and cons are listed below.

Automation Anywhere

Core Features:

  1. Offers both attended and unattended automation.
  2. Supports web, desktop, and Citrix automation.
  3. Offers a drag-and-drop interface for creating bots.
  4. Provides AI and cognitive automation capabilities.
  5. Offers strong security and compliance features.


  1. Easy to learn and use.
  2. Offers a wide range of features and capabilities.
  3. Good customer support and training resources.
  4. High degree of scalability and reliability.


  1. Limited integrations with other tools.
  2. High licensing costs.
  3. Requires a strong technical background to implement.


Core Features:

  1. Offers both attended and unattended automation.
  2. Provides a drag-and-drop interface for creating bots.
  3. Supports web, desktop, and Citrix automation.
  4. Offers AI and machine learning capabilities.
  5. Provides strong governance and compliance features.


  1. Easy to use and learn.
  2. Good customer support and training resources.
  3. Strong community and developer ecosystem.
  4. Offers a wide range of integrations with other tools.


  1. High licensing costs.
  2. Limited support for mobile automation.
  3. Requires a strong technical background to implement complex automation workflows.


Core Features:

  1. Offers both attended and unattended automation.
  2. Provides a drag-and-drop interface for creating bots.
  3. Supports web, desktop, and Citrix automation.
  4. Offers AI and machine learning capabilities.
  5. Provides a centralized automation platform for managing workflows.


  1. Offers a wide range of features and capabilities.
  2. Good customer support and training resources.
  3. Provides a single platform for managing automation workflows.
  4. Offers strong security and compliance features.


  1. Limited integrations with other tools.
  2. High licensing costs.
  3. Requires a strong technical background to implement.

Blue Prism:

Core Features:

  1. Offers attended and unattended automation.
  2. Provides a drag-and-drop interface for creating bots.
  3. Supports web, desktop, and Citrix automation.
  4. Offers AI and machine learning capabilities.
  5. Provides a centralized automation platform for managing workflows.


  1. Offers a wide range of features and capabilities.
  2. Good customer support and training resources.
  3. Provides a single platform for managing automation workflows.
  4. Offers strong security and compliance features.


  1. Limited integrations with other tools.
  2. High licensing costs.
  3. Requires a strong technical background to implement.

Myths and Misconceptions Related to RPA Testing

You need coding prerequisites

Contrary to popular belief, RPA testing does not rely on your background in coding. You are good to go if you have ample knowledge of how the software works.

You don’t need to supervise 

Most people assume that involving a robot means the entire process are automated, and human intervention is unnecessary. This is not true, as programming the RPA bot requires expertise from humans only. Once programmed, the bot can perform and automate the tasks.

You cannot afford RPA

While the initial deployment cost is high, RPA can be used by all sorts of businesses, including small-to-medium sized businesses, for the automation of tasks. In fact, by automating your tasks and enhancing productivity, you can recover your initial investment in around half a decade.


While RPA testing comes with its range of benefits and ease, it is far easier to hire or partner with an organization that has expertise in providing RPA as a service, rather than diving into RPA testing on your own. Given the rise of automation and artificial intelligence, RPA is only expected to grow. Therefore, it is beneficial that you begin implementing it in the current times only.

FAQs related to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Testing

RPA testing is important because it ensures the accuracy and efficiency of the robot’s actions and its ability to handle exceptions and errors. Proper RPA testing can help prevent costly mistakes and improve the overall performance of the RPA system.

Some popular RPA testing tools include Automation Anywhere, Blue Prism, UiPath, and WorkFusion.

An RPA testing framework is a set of guidelines and best practices that help ensure the consistency and effectiveness of RPA testing. It includes test plans, test cases, test data, and test automation tools.

Some common challenges of RPA testing include dealing with dynamic and changing data, identifying and handling exceptions and errors, and ensuring that the robot operates securely and complies with relevant regulations and standards.

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